Custom Layout 2


when imagination turns to reality
numb turns your ability
to let your heart rule over your mind

you want to say it out
but your lips turn a pout-
just a greeting even consciously hurts

the heart cries, leaps to meet
in bounties you want a treat
a kind warm hello awaits your ears

hey there, but I am sorry to say
you are not at all my day
A tear rolled down her cheek

A tear rolled down her cheek
It's course telling a story all its own
Reflecting past and present
A lesson for the future

She makes a move to wipe one
Only to realize there is a
never ending stream of them
A cathartic attempt to purge her pain

She wishes to tell someone of the hurt
But their ears are deaf to her grief
Her tears speak a thousand words
But their eyes are blind to the dialogue

Is there no-one who will listen?
Is there no one who will hear?
To them her grief represents fear
a reluctance to look toward the future
an insistence on dwelling in the past.

nor night to show me the way

then next day you shed a drop
expecting good things to crop
up your disdainful life

days pass, so do months and years
lonesomeness grips within its gears
cursing the imaginative mind to collide with reality


So sincere a look he wore
Making me want him more and more
His words touched my very core
Love bursting from every pore
It seemed like a great new adventure
Just me and him
And then I saw him with another,
I heard the words, words he had used before
Every syllable at my heart tore
I was just another figure in his long standing score
I should have known not to believe
I should have known that he would leave.
What a fool I was to grieve
His departure, my reprieve.

A tear rolled down her cheek

A tear rolled down her cheek
It's course telling a story all its own
Reflecting past and present
A lesson for the future

She makes a move to wipe one
Only to realize there is a
never ending stream of them
A cathartic attempt to purge her pain

She wishes to tell someone of the hurt
But their ears are deaf to her grief
Her tears speak a thousand words
But their eyes are blind to the dialogue

Is there no-one who will listen?
Is there no one who will hear?
To them her grief represents fear
a reluctance to look toward the future
an insistence on dwelling in the past.

My Love for you

My heart will rule my life for you
my mind has no control
each and every sense I have
is turned into your soul.

Whenever I think of you
and imagine your kissing me
but am not there inside your heart
because someone else has found the key.

Ever since we said goodbye
I miss you more each day
can't sleep or eat or be by myself
how could it have ended this way.

I know I am not perfect
and I doubt I ever will be
but my love for you is true.

Everyday I think of you
your face is on my mind
I thought you'd never leave me
why were you so unkind.

I never thought I’d miss you
as much as I do
I never thought I’d feel this way
the way I feel about you.

That night you never spoke
you did not tell me why
you walked out of my life
but I found I couldn’t try
the tears that never fall
the pain which was too deep
you've taken all my love
and left my soul to weep.

When daybreaks
the light appears for all to see
close your eyes, and think of me.